Cancer can kiss Mike's Ass!!
This is Mike Dikehut. A husband, a father, a grand father and a hard working man. Right now he is fighting cancer. He's a strong man, and this is a tough battle, one that he won't give up on. He is also an avid crossfitter. There's something about crossfit that knits together communities into a tight knit family, and when one of the members are struggling, no matter the battle, the community pulls together to show that person how much they are loved and supported no matter what.
On August 28th, a group of people who love and support Mike got together and braved the 95* Texas heat and completed:
1 Mile Run
67 Burpees (Honoring his age)
39 Sit ups or Jump ups (Honoring his years of marriage)
1 Mile Run
In his wife's words: I speak for both of us when I say that we were completely overwhelmed by the show of support, love, friendship and most of all your generosity. Cancer is a disease that has affected so many in our lives and it will continue to do so until they find a cure. Cancer strips you of so many things like strength, stamina, pride, dignity, self-worth, joy, mobility and most of all your faith. It will carry you through the many depths of hell and beyond. The physical part of it is visible while the emotional aspect of it is not. Cancer brings with it a bottomless pit of emotional, physical and mental anguish. There were many of you who wanted and asked to do something to help, but even I felt helpless in the face of this disease. There were days and weeks he wanted to succumb to it, but on the darkest days we would receive words of encouragement, good wishes, letters, note cards and love from so many of you that were there today. YOU DID do something to help, you kept us going. It isn't over, we still have a long 8 to 12 weeks to face cancer and to try and remain positive despite the uncertainty while waiting to see how the course of the illness will play out. We don't want this to define us nor do we want to live our lives in fear. We want to grow from it and consider the most important things in life and cherish each and every moment we might have left together. I want to give a big THANK YOU to Mike McBride, Lindsay McBride and Tim & Trish Huffman for bestowing this honor on a truly remarkable man. I know Mike Dickehut is as honored as am I. To look out and see all the faces of special people in our lives just melted my heart. Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. Thank you all for being there and for your emotional support it has been greatly appreciated.